Monday, March 14, 2016

Dealing with Doubt

"Tuesday we drove to Bideford and visited Elders Alambra and Green.  They are both from Australia and are really good elders.  We inspected their flat, which really means we had them evaluate their flat, and took them to lunch.  We even went tracting with the elders for a while.  On our way home we went with Brother Peter Smith, a member of the branch presidency, to visit Mike and Mary.  They have been members for more than 40 years, have held prominent positions in the church, but are now inactive.  He expressed a sweet testimony of knowing when he was branch president he was able to receive revelation enabling him to do many things he knew did not come from himself.  She, however, is bitter and does not believe anymore.  She resisted Dad's testimony of the Book of Mormon.  We left them with a blessing and went home feeling discouraged.  It was hard to see her complete rejection.  We later write them a letter and included a wonderful letter written by President Hugh B. Brown, written to a friend of his who was experiencing doubts.  President Brown described his own journey through the valleys of doubt in his own life.  It is worth reading.

We attended disctrict meeting, which is always good.  Elder Deaton taught about humility, and that true humility involves confidence, not in ourselves, but rather in the Savior and His power to strengthen us.  District meeting lifted our spirits after the experiences of the previous day.

There never seems to be an end of the details of living in a foreign country.  Did you know that you have to have a license to watch television or record TV from another device in the UK?  Thankfully, that is not a fee we will have to pay.  Next time, be grateful when you just turn on your TV, even it you do have to listen to political announcements.

On Thursday we had a meeting with President Fullwood of the stake presidency.  He is completely deaf, but can lip read and speak so well that you would never know it except for the fact that he has to be looking at you.  He is the stake leader in charge of seminary and institute, and challenged us to develop a plan to reach all of the YSA in our stake.  Dad was set apart for the High Council that night by President Martin, the stake president.  He gave Dad such a marvelous blessing, where he promised blessings upon our family.  We attended institute class afterwards, taught by Brother Lewis, who used to be a police officer in London and is a former mission president in the Philipines.  He expressed what a contrast it is between the youth of the church and the youth he dealt with as a police officer.  He travels 2 hours to get to us every Thursday.  He lead a masterful discussion on being a true "millennial" and preparing for the second coming of the Savior.

Friday we got take-away from two Kurds who run a small shish-ka-bob shop.  They have been in England for about 10 years, after having fled Iraq for their lives, and talked about friends who ended up in Nashville.

On Sunday night we had Jordan and the sisters over for one of his new member discussions.  The bishop had talked to him about receiving the Aaronic Priesthood that day, and he was full of questions and enthusiasm.  We also had him over for dinner Monday evening and got to know him better.  He is 21 and has lost both parents already, and is a triplet.  We got him started a little on his family history, but there is a family in the ward that will see him through that in more detail.  He is planning to attend the temple next month with the YSA."

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