Monday, January 4, 2016


Al and Helen Warnick will be embarking soon on their mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!  After their time in the Missionary Training Center, they will be serving with the young single adults in the England London South Mission.

The dark green areas on the map below show the cities where they might be serving.  The mission covers all of southern England, including the Channel Islands.

If you'd like to know more about what things will be like in their (temporary) new home, check out some of the links below!


This page will be updated roughly once a month with pictures and letters from Elder and Sister Warnick.  Check back soon for more!


  1. Very good, Christina! We like the blog - and being able to see the weather and time in England where your parents will be serving! We look forward to hearing about their service! THANK YOU!

  2. looking forward to the updates
    Thanks Christina

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