Saturday, June 11, 2016


A slightly longer, but less detailed, post than usual to start getting caught up:

-For General Conference in April Elder and Sister Warnick watched on a time delay, to accomodate time zone differences as well as comply with television license requirements.

-They received a list of all the young single adults in their stake, and realized only 50 of the 400 listed are active.  They have a lot of work to do, but are confident in the Savior's love for each of these young people.  At the direction of the stake council, they came up with an activation plan for all YSA in the stake, which the stake presidency will distribute to each ward to implement.

-They finally got to sample real Cornish Pasties!

- They attended a zone training in Plymouth.  President Grubler shared his impression that a second "great harvest", similar to when Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball spread the gospel in the 1830s and 40s, is awaiting the saints in their area.

- They attended stake conference.  Stake President Martin compared the first Passover, when the Israelites who placed lambs' blood on their door posts were spared, to the need for each of us to fully apply the Atonement and covenants and ordinances of the gospel in our lives in order to pass through life safely.

- They took some time to tour ancient Roman ruins in Bath, ate at a restaurant founded in 1482 (Sally Lunn's), and listened to a choral concert at Wells Cathedral in Bath.  They were impressed with the efforts of early churches to preserve the roots of Christianity in England, to prepare the way for the restoration of the full gospel.  They also visited a cheese factory in Cheddar, and sampled some local cheddar cheese known for its unique flavor due to being aged in a cave.

- Took 16 YSA to the London Temple (a two-day undertaking, with travel time), and commemorated what would have been Elder Warnick's father's 100th birthday.  Saw some unusual "oreo" cows on the way home.

- Noted that instead of dandelions, tiny daisies grow in lawns as weeds there!

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