Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mission Conference and Touring London

"We were privileged to attend a two-mission conference with Elder Oaks, Elder Kearon, and Elder Herbertsen and their wives.  They made a point to shake the hand of everyone in attendance and their great love was very evident.  Elder Oaks taught us that we now live in a world that mostly doesn't believe in God anymore.  He talked about the devastating impact that has had where government officials pass laws that undermine freedom of religion and speech.  He said missionaries who teach belief in God and repentance should feel successful even if their investigators are not baptized.  It was a wonderful conference and we felt the strong influence of the Spirit.  Elder Oaks was on his way to speak to Parliament and at Oxford.  We had a mission picture taken on the steps of Royal Albert Hall and then the senior missionaries handed out sack lunches as the missionaries separated and departed back to their areas.  It started to rain, and we got soaked.  A 'brellie' is always handy in England.

We took some senior couples around to see Parliament, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace before attending a performance of Wicked, starring a church member as Glinda.  We returned by train to the accomodation center at the London temple late that night and attended the temple the next day before leaving for home.

Last week was mission transfers and we were busy getting sisters to Plymouth and then picking up a new missionary who comes from Cairo, Missouri.

Last Sunday was busy as we traveled to St. Austell for church and met with Bishop Bundy afterwards.  He was a young single adult himself right there and he has a great vision of the future of the YSA in Cornwall... we also met a young man who wasn't on our list of YSA as he is recently divorced.  He is hoping for a group to get going in this area.

We just learned that the Newton Abbot chapel isn't available for Institute on Thursday, so have to work out what alternative is best.  We also need to work out a ride for a young lady from Utah who is here for a month and wants to attend.  It will all work out somehow (or, 'get sorted')."

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