Sunday, August 14, 2016

2 July 2016

"Last Monday we took a steam train and bus to Greenway, which was Agatha Christie's holiday home.  It can be reached by boat, as it is located on the water, but forget about getting there by personal vehicle.  This country has a real problem with parking availability and road width.  The house is full of her collections and even clothing.

Last evening we went to a YSA activity in Paignton on the beach, then returned home and did some emergency baking, as we didn't get the announcement about zone training the next day.  Luckily we had something on hand to contribute to the meal.  The reason we didn't get the announcement is that Dad had to deal with a man who appeared at the church during the district meeting, wanting money.

Tuesday morning we drove the Newton Abbott sisters to zone training in Plymouth.  There are three new sisters, fresh out of the MTC, in our zone: one from California, one from Missouri, and one from Taiwan.  The one from Taiwan speaks very little English, but is learning, and has a huge smile on her face.

We had an unexpected trip back to Plymouth on Wednesday for a district meeting, as one of the two missionaries couldn't get home by train; a tree had fallen across the tracks.

Thursday was our regular institute class, where we tried having Edward call in with a computer from Cornwall.  We need to refine how that is done, as it cut out roughly every 15 minutes.  Not all young people are equally tech savvy, and we depend on them to a great extent.  Eventually each unit is supposed to receive broadcast and reception equipment.

We made a quick trip to the mission president's home yesterday for lunch with the other senior missionaries.  While we were there, we were very close to a fox who is apparently a frequent visitor.  

It was a four-hour drive each way, so we don't know that we will try to go that way in the future.  We are the farthest away, except the Dames on Guernsey Island, and they don't come to everything.  We had to be back for a stake primary activity that the YSA was asked to help with.  Our stake is very spread out, so it is a real commitment for people to attend any function, and with the price of petrol it can be hard.  Some people back home can't relate, with a church right down the street.

We discussed this morning whether and how we might celebrate the Fourth of July on Monday.  For obvious reasons it is not a holiday here.  The biggest issue is the UK exit from the European Union.  Many Brits resent the power the EU wields over all aspects of their lives.  We see the political turmoil both in the US and UK as signs of the times."

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