Saturday, October 29, 2016

21 September, 2016

"The once a year stake YSA convention was the weekend before last.  It was held in Holsworthy and Bideford.  We started at Bradford Manor, a 16th century home and farm owned by a member of the branch presidency.  He bought it in rough condition and has worked very hard to respectfully restore it to its present remarkable condition.  Since it needed so much work he got it for a very reasonable price.  It becomes so obvious in a country with very old structures that without maintenance, nature takes over.

We took a hike through the sheep meadow down to the river he owns.  It is apparently full of fish, and he does own them as well.  There was paintball in his forest.  Then we went to Dragon Archery, owned by the branch president, the #2 rated archery center in the UK.  It is set up with one area for dinosaur targets; another is Lord of the Rings themed; another is knights and castles; and finally a dragon.  While some were doing archery, others did laser tag in the woods.  We finished the evening roasting marshmallows around a fire, followed by sharing of testimony, which had to be cut short as many were staying at branch members' homes and didn't want to arrive too late at night.

Sunday the YSA had prepared to serve the branch by teaching classes and providing talks.  After church, the branch members provided a munch-and-mingle, which left everyone set for the journey home.  It was a great event, with some participating that we don't normally see.

This last Sunday we spoke in the Exeter Ward with the assignment of Elder Ballard's talk titled 'God is at the Helm' as the theme.  It was the perfect week to be in Exeter, as we met 3 new YSA.  Exeter has a university, so these three are there for education.  One served a mission in California, right where Elder Warnick served; another is from Ogden area and here for 3 years; another is from Peru, who joined the church while at school in Florida 4 months ago.  We have yet to see who has arrived for school in Plymouth, but there are 3 new ones in Cornwall as well.  We see this growth as a real blessing, and love these new young people already- a gift that goes with our calling.

They held a great FHE on Monday in Exeter, with such a good feeling among them.  One of them brought a girl who has been less active, and it was wonderful to see her again.

One of our new sister missionaries is having a struggle, and called Elder Warnick for a priesthood blessing a couple of days ago.  Missionary work can be challenging, physically and emotionally.  We are glad to lend support wherever we can.  We will drive them to Poole starting very early in the morning for a 3 zone conference."

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