Tuesday, January 10, 2017

23 December 2016- Reflections on Our Family

Editor's Note: I typically omit comments directed particularly at family members when transcribing Elder and Sister Warnick's emails, but will include this one as it relates to the history of missionary work in the church.

"Dear Family,

We have spent the day writing Christmas emails to each of the young single adults in our stake.  A momentous task!  As we have done so we thought we would pause and reflect a little on our own family and heritage.  Yesterday was Grandpa Miller's birthday.  We are sorry that you never got to know him when he was younger.  He was a kind and loving father and tried to provide growth experiences for his children.  His own interest in the world around him never left him, even when his body couldn't keep up.  Mom and Dad traveled the world as much as they could, and were always willing to try new foods and experience foreign cultures.  They were some of the first senior missionaries to go to Nigeria, something we appreciate even more now that we are on a mission.  Theirs would have been much harder.

He was a tremendous leader, something that doesn't always manifest itself in those with a mild manner, a welcome contrast to the leadership models we see around us in the world today.  He was not only student body president in high school, but an aide to Dwight D. Eisenhower in WWII, a bishop and temple sealer and recorder in the Dallas temple (a real trial as he was not computer savvy, and computers were not user friendly in those days).  He was such a good man, with a positive and caring approach to everyone.  One day you will have the privilege of getting to know him in a more personal way.  For now, we encourage you to look up his history that you have all been given.  It will make you glad for your connection to him.  Yes, we were all young once!

Just want you to know we are thinking of you and miss you.  May the Lord bless you with fond memories of the Christmases we used to have together.

With our love,

Mom and Dad"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates, Christina! It is amazing the cultural experiences your Mom and Dad are having - and all the good they are doing! How amazing they are!
    Hope your little Finn is thriving. What a blessing he is to you.
    Uncle Wayne and Aunt Loralee
