Sunday, November 5, 2017

Senior Missionary Newsletter- Conference Report

Below is a link to a newsletter the London South Mission prepared to summarize the conference mentioned in previous posts.  Pictures of Elder and Sister Warnick and LaMar and Debby are included.

Note on the cover page- the mission has its own coat of arms!

24 October 2017

We just finished a YSA convention in the Stake.  Some things went better than expected and some with hitches to be overcome but it all worked out with many hands involved.  Most people are delightfully willing to do their part.  The food was great and conventions, like armies, travel somewhat on their stomachs.  The man who did the Saturday evening BBQ was a professional chef who is now mostly confined to a wheelchair and not able to work.  He was thrilled to be asked to help and said that he can either be home and be in pain or go do something and get a distraction from the pain.  He is always cheerful and is an inspiration. 
The service project was photographing headstones to post on Billion Graves.  England is full of wonderful cemeteries that need documenting but so many of the headstones aren’t easy or are impossible to read.  

We have started to use up any food we have in our cupboards as the time is approaching to leave.  There isn’t a missionary couple designated to take over from us but we imagine the mission president will move someone here as it is the farthest from his home other than Guernsey Island.  The occasional “emergency” comes up that he has needed us to handle.

Our next assignment that is separate from the usuals is talking to a mutual group about American Thanksgivings.  We found a 6 minute video that explains both the history and customs and will use that for a portion of it.  Elder Warnick has learned how to do downloading and editing from different video sources that has been helpful in all the teaching we have had to do.  Something visual is always good to get the attention.  They plan to have samples of what might be in a Thanksgiving dinner.  We bet they don’t have pumpkin pie, as canned pumpkin is hard to come by, but they gladly use turkey instead of goose here now as they admit goose is very fatty.  They do love the goose fat though for roasting potatoes.  There is no comparable holiday to Thanksgiving in the UK.

16 September 2017

The biggest news is the arrival of (Elder Warnick's brother) LaMar and Debby to our mission.  They looked wonderful and it was great to see them again, the first time being at a 4 zone conference in Poole which is a 2 and 1/2 hour drive for us.  Since the couple that they are replacing have not gone home yet they were able to spend a couple of days with us visiting many of the sites that we have visited with some of you....Dartmoor, the ponies, the clapper bridges. Lanhydrock, Coleton Fishacre and Okehampton.  They were able to continue on with us to go to the senior missionary conference in Exeter.  After an evening of instruction, as a group we visited Exeter Cathedral, Buckfast Abbey, Cockington Village and Dartmouth where we took a river boat ride then had lunch before all returning home.  Now most of the senior couples know how far we have to travel when the conferences are in their area as we are 4 hours away from the usual meeting places.  LaMar and Debby are an hour plus from us so we hope to see them again before we return.

We have helped the local missionaries teach Mason who has now been baptized.  Another former investigator who wasn't baptized because of opposition from his son told us in a visit that he was not going to let that happen again as he knew the church to be true.  Within a few days his son had gotten to him again and he refused to open the door when we stopped to visit.  He has since apologized.  We are sorry that he does not have the strength of his convictions.  This is a sharp contrast to our own ancestors who not only faced disapproval but complete rejection and yet they persisted.  We are forever blessed and grateful for their courage and faith.

The YSA convention is beginning to take shape but was preceded by our anxiety over the lack of action from responsible parties.  Lately they have really stepped up.  We do want them to feel successful and to have an enriching weekend.

Last Thursday we had our YSA version of dinner and a movie by listening together to Elder Bednar's devotional for single adults and pizza.  We only had four attend as many are still doing summer holiday before school starts again. We enjoyed the time with them on a more intimate basis.  There is nothing quite like a gathering of young single adults to brighten our day with the exception of being with our own family.

18 August 2017

A number of things have happened of late.  The Bideford Branch has moved to Holsworthy with some revised boundaries.  We were able to attend their first meeting held in the Bradford Community Center.  There is a lot of enthusiasm among the members, and while it is not exactly a new branch it feels that way to many of the members with hopes for the future.  The Stake president challenged them to become a Ward within a year.  The first meeting fell on fast Sunday and there was a wonderful feeling.  We were invited to lunch afterward at the home of the RS president and her family.  They have a delightful daughter who is one of "ours" in YSA.  She is a recently returned missionary who served in the US.  We actually have 3 recently returned missionaries and they infuse a wonderful spirit into every YSA meeting.  They bring with them experience  in studying and sharing the gospel and testimony of the Savior.

The month of August seems to be when everyone goes on holiday and except for regular Sunday meetings most everything else gets cancelled.  We did have a YSA activity at Teignmouth Beach.  Only two YSA showed up, the Stake leader and one other member that we almost never see.  While one might consider that to be an unsuccessful activity, we thought it was extremely successful.  It really is about "the one".  Institute classes will resume on the 31st.

We went to Buckfast Abbey and Cockington Village on separate days in anticipation of the senior conference on 1 Sept in order to be more knowledgeable.  The Abbey is still operating as such and has been rebuilt in early 1900 so it is not really that old.  Cockington  Village is the place to go for thatched roofs and quaintness although all the interiors have been turned into shops for tourists.  We did have a nice lunch at the Rose Cottage complete with piano music from a nearby gazebo.  It was a rare beautiful weather day with just the right temp and sunshine with no rain.  We should be more prepared now to give directions if called upon to do so.

Elder Warnick at Buckfast Abbey
Cockington Village
Cockington Village

Yesterday, after attending district meeting in Exeter, we went to the funeral for the father of one of our YSA in Kingskerswell.  This young man is the only member of the church in his family.  The windows were absolutely beautiful in the church.  There are so many old stone churches in this country that speak to the desires of previous generations to come closer to God.

We understand from the office that LaMar and Debby have arrived today.  We will not see them probably until next week at a multi zone conference in Poole and then again at the senior missionary conference in Exeter.  We remember how exhausted and disoriented we felt when we arrived almost 19 month ago.  We are glad we are not just starting out again and can recognize we have learned a great deal just from experience.  Even so, we realize we will "never assimilate" as we still stand out as not being local.