Sunday, November 5, 2017

18 August 2017

A number of things have happened of late.  The Bideford Branch has moved to Holsworthy with some revised boundaries.  We were able to attend their first meeting held in the Bradford Community Center.  There is a lot of enthusiasm among the members, and while it is not exactly a new branch it feels that way to many of the members with hopes for the future.  The Stake president challenged them to become a Ward within a year.  The first meeting fell on fast Sunday and there was a wonderful feeling.  We were invited to lunch afterward at the home of the RS president and her family.  They have a delightful daughter who is one of "ours" in YSA.  She is a recently returned missionary who served in the US.  We actually have 3 recently returned missionaries and they infuse a wonderful spirit into every YSA meeting.  They bring with them experience  in studying and sharing the gospel and testimony of the Savior.

The month of August seems to be when everyone goes on holiday and except for regular Sunday meetings most everything else gets cancelled.  We did have a YSA activity at Teignmouth Beach.  Only two YSA showed up, the Stake leader and one other member that we almost never see.  While one might consider that to be an unsuccessful activity, we thought it was extremely successful.  It really is about "the one".  Institute classes will resume on the 31st.

We went to Buckfast Abbey and Cockington Village on separate days in anticipation of the senior conference on 1 Sept in order to be more knowledgeable.  The Abbey is still operating as such and has been rebuilt in early 1900 so it is not really that old.  Cockington  Village is the place to go for thatched roofs and quaintness although all the interiors have been turned into shops for tourists.  We did have a nice lunch at the Rose Cottage complete with piano music from a nearby gazebo.  It was a rare beautiful weather day with just the right temp and sunshine with no rain.  We should be more prepared now to give directions if called upon to do so.

Elder Warnick at Buckfast Abbey
Cockington Village
Cockington Village

Yesterday, after attending district meeting in Exeter, we went to the funeral for the father of one of our YSA in Kingskerswell.  This young man is the only member of the church in his family.  The windows were absolutely beautiful in the church.  There are so many old stone churches in this country that speak to the desires of previous generations to come closer to God.

We understand from the office that LaMar and Debby have arrived today.  We will not see them probably until next week at a multi zone conference in Poole and then again at the senior missionary conference in Exeter.  We remember how exhausted and disoriented we felt when we arrived almost 19 month ago.  We are glad we are not just starting out again and can recognize we have learned a great deal just from experience.  Even so, we realize we will "never assimilate" as we still stand out as not being local.

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